Ответы на вопросы 1, 2, 3, 4 к странице 68 из учебника по английскому языку 7 класс Вербицкая, Редли, Гаярделли часть 2
1. Read the following sentences and fill in the gaps with one of the adjectives from the box.
2. Work in groups.
How can you illustrate the meaning of these adjectives?
Tell the group your ideas.
Choose the best ones and draw some funny pictures or make a poster.
3. Read the adjectives and find their antonyms in Exercise 1.
Which of these adjectives are positive and which are negative?
Which of the adjectives in Exercise 1 are each other’s antonyms?
4. Which of these adjectives are positive and which are negative?
Which of these adjectives are each other’s synonyms?
Fill in the table.
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