На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 7 из учебника по английскому языку 5 класс Биболетова
4. Listen, repeat and read.
5. Read and make new sentences using the table. Use the Grammar Reference if necessary.
6. Say what subjects you have today / had yesterday / will have tomorrow.
7. Tell Chris what you usually do in the lessons.
8. Listen, repeat and read.
9. Work in pairs. Discuss your school subjects.
4. Listen, repeat and read.
5. Read and make new sentences using the table. Use the Grammar Reference if necessary.
6. Say what subjects you have today / had yesterday / will have tomorrow.
7. Tell Chris what you usually do in the lessons.
8. Listen, repeat and read.
9. Work in pairs. Discuss your school subjects.
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