Решение заданий 7, 8, 9 со страницы 51 учебника по английскому языку 5 класс Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М. Часть 1
7. Read the fable «The Grasshopper and the Ant» again. Write the sentences in the right order.
- The grasshopper saw the ant.
- The grasshopper didn’t like the idea.
- A grasshopper lived in the green grass near a high hill.
- He had a big sack on his back.
- Soon winter came.
- «I am collecting food for winter.»
- He didn’t work and he didn’t think about food.
- «Why are you working on such a lovely day?»
- «If you do not work in summer, you have no food in winter.»
8. The first letters of these words make a new word. What is it? Write it.
The word is .
9. Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page of your English Album. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary.
PROJECT WORK 1. Write an e-mail or a letter to your imaginary pen friend about your summer. Illustrate it with pictures.
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